
Resolution of the Tribal Council
Of the Delaware Tribe of Indians
Resolution #97-07
WHEREAS, The Delaware Tribal Council is empowered by the
Delaware Constitution to "act in all matters that concern
the general welfare of the tribe", and;
WHEREAS, The Delaware Tribal Council is empowered by the
Delaware constitution to "manage and control community/tribal
property, enterprises and other economic projects and programs
of the Delaware Tribe..." and;
WHEREAS, The Delaware Tribal Council has determined that a
possible conflict of interest may exist regarding Trust Board
member Bill Hatch's association with gaming interests, and;
WHEREAS, The Delaware Tribal Council is declaring a sense
of urgent priority in addressing this matter,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Delaware Tribal
Council declares that neither the Trust Board of the Delaware
Tribe of Indians nor Mr. William Hatch has agency authority to
enter into any gaming contract on behalf of the Delaware Tribe
of Indians.
I, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was considered
by the Tribal Council of the Delaware Tribe of Indians in a
special called meeting this 27th day of March 1997. With a vote
of 6-Yes, O-No, and O-Abstaining.
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